My Top 5 Psychic Type Pokémon

Psychic Type
Photo credit:

You know, I think we’ve made a connection over the past few months.  It’s almost as if it’s… Psychic.  With the month of love well underway it’s time I made use of our connection to relay to you my top 5 favourite Psychic type Pokémon… Generations 1-7, but you already knew that. 🙂


  1. UNOWN5. Unown

Gasp, shock, horror.  Yes, you didn’t misread that, I have a fondness for the Unown.  Based entirely on their role in Pokémon The Movie 3: Spell of the Unown. Their powers are so surprisingly powerful and it was nice to have a lesser well received Pokémon take the spotlight in one of the films.  Their intricacy and untapped potential strength should be a real worry for people living in the Pokémon world with them and they have such a mysterious aura to them as they’re never fully explained.  Though, I cannot deny their sheer uselessness in the games, which is why I feel no shame in putting them at number 5.


  1. REUNICLUS4. Reuniclus

We travel to my journey through Kalos for this entry.  Having alluded be in the Unova region when I caught a Solosis in Reflection Cave I decided to give it a try.  No regrets.  As she grew and eventually evolved to Reuniclus my love for this thing only grew along with her.  She was a powerful member of the team and saw me through many battles, but I don’t have any specific memories of using her in particular other than a vague recognition of her wiping the floor with Malva of the Elite Four. Hence only being able to achieve #4 on this list.


  1. HYPNO3. Hypno

Everyone back in the day was using Alakazam in Red & Blue but I never had anyone to trade with so I had to seek alternate Pokémon to use.  Hypno was my Pokémon of choice and it has served me well on many teams over various generations.  It has a creepy design and an even creepier lore – what’s not to like about this thing? It’s morbidly fascinating and pretty strong to boot. It probably doesn’t hold up against an Alakazam but as an only child growing up in the 90s with no access to a link cable it was the best thing I could have hoped for and it returned to help me just as well as I recall in the virtual console release of Pokémon Yellow.  Recommend.


  1. MEOWSTIC2. Meowstic

In the build up to Gen IV all I wanted for a Meowstic on my team on Pokémon Y.  I preferred the female design so I went for that one over the male and it proved to be a great addition to my team.  She was 1/6 of a very important team for me as I felt her team was one of the strongest I’d ever used and they all worked in sync with one another.  Chesnaught, Diggersby, Lapras, Talonflame, Tyrantrum & Meowstic… Good times. Also, expect all of these to be in one list or another at some point in these countdowns.


  1. STARMIE1. Starmie

Now onto my most recent team in Pokémon Chronology.  Pokémon Moon presented me with the option of trying a Pokémon I’d passed by for nearly two decades – Staryu.  I decided to give it a try, curiosity for the starfish winning out and it very suddenly became the best member of the team.  It was a force to be reckoned with and it never even fainted at any point in the game.  MVP of the Alola region.  Easily. Try it.  I can’t wait to use it again in a later generation because I love this thing.


I bet there was at least one surprise in this type, am I right? I didn’t expect Unown to appear here either but when I really had to put some thought into who would be in my top 5 they just kept appearing, dancing around my head and singing their names in unison.  It was… Interesting to say the least. But another type is done and onward to March we look.  Tune in then to find out my thought on my top 5 Flying Type Pokémon.


Spectacled Observer.

Pokémon Ultra Sun Review – Part 2: Akala Island

Ultra Sun Cover

So last time we looked at the events of Melemele Island, the good, and the bad.  However, the island ended off on a good note on one of the game’s most unique new additions, the Mantine Surf minigame.


On Akala Island I found some good parts, some bad parts and some really samey copy/pasted parts. It was on this island that my team for the game began to take shape and I had decided to try all new Pokémon at this point. I’d gone from a Rowlet to an interesting mish-mash of Pokémon I’d never even considered using before – even if some of those were sneakily transferred over from Pokémon Sun via PokéBank. My justification of this was the game was already being samey enough I may as well throw a curveball and shake up the game a bit.

My team at the start of Akala Island

So, much like last time I will list my good points and my bad points of this island and try to explain my reasoning of each part.  I will be comparing this game to Pokémon Sun because it is a retelling of the story and like all interpretations should stand up to the original or even improve upon it.




Good Points:

  1. Mallow’s Trial

    Mallow Trail
    Trial Captain Mallow

In Sun & Moon I wasn’t a huge fan of Mallow’s Grass type Island Trial in the Lush Jungle.  In Ultra Sun I found myself quite liking it.  It felt like the Lush Jungle was bursting at the seems with wild and interesting Pokémon and having a chance to interact with them in a game of chance added a slight hint of tension to it.  If you picked the wrong item that a wild Pokémon had its eye on, it would come and fight you for it just before the Totem arrived so the pressure was on to get them right.  I got one right and had to fight two Fomantis before the Totem Lurantis came.


  1. Totem Lurantis

It was a beast in Pokémon Sun, it was a monster in Pokémon Ultra Sun.  I actually lost to this thing the first time I fought it.  It’s the only time I lost to a Totem Pokémon in Sun, Moon and Ultra Sun up to that point and it brought back that drive to progress in this game and take it down. That difficulty spike I mentioned in part 1? It reared its head again here, and it was very welcome.


  1. Kaiwe’s Trial

    Kiawe Trial
    Trial Captain Kaiwe

While this happens before Mallow’s Trial I have it after that in my notes, so I’ll go with that.  In Sun, Kaiwe’s Trial was a light-hearted pain in the back end.  The dancing Alolan Marowak always seemed to jumble around for me and I could never get the right differences between them.  In Ultra Sun I got all of them right first try and it made me feel more accomplished, that I’d grown more observant since last time.  The Trial itself was very samey though.  Totem Marowak provided some challenge though.


  1. Ultra Recon Squad

As I said last time, when this game tries to be its own thing and not just copy/pasting Sun & Moon, it’s actually really good.  Better than Sun & Moon in some accounts – it’s just a shame this is the 3rd time I’ve sat through it this year. When we encounter the Ultra Recon Squad on Akala Island they battle us with a Pokémon from their world – a Piopole.  In the lead up to these games this new Pokémon had gone completely over my head so I had no idea it existed.  I freaked out a little with glee. That was the most fun moment of the game at that point.




Bad Points:

  1. Character Development

One thing I was sad about missing out on in this game was the boat ride to Akala Island with Hau & Lillie. In Pokémon Sun there was an exciting cutscene showing their journey and setting up the characters you’d be going through the game with a bit more.  It was a nice little cinematic that established a friendship between you, Hau & Lillie.  It was cut from this game in favour of introducing the Mantine Surf but I won’t complain about it too much because it’s only a small detail that was replaced with a fun and exciting new minigame.


  1. The Zygarde Cell Quest – Or Lack Of

When we arrive in HeaHea City we’re approached by Dexio and… *Googles* Sina who challenge us to a battle.  At this point in Sun & Moon they give us a Zygarde Cube and tell us to collect the Zygon Cells to give us a side-quest that goes on for most of the game. This time, however, the entire Zygarde Cell collection side-quest is taken out of the game and replaced with a Totem Sticker quest, which just made their appearance in this time a bit pointless.  Furthermore it makes the Zygarde Cell quest in Sun & Moon seem unnecessary and redundant.


  1. Lana’s Trial

    Lana Trial
    Trial Captain Lana

Tried to be different, was slightly different, didn’t work as well as in Sun & Moon.  Still interesting though. Totem Aquaranid didn’t fit the scene as much as Totem Wishiwashi.  Of all the Totem changes in these games this was the most unfitting.


  1. Too Much Exposition

When you’ve beaten Mallow’s Trial you are required to return to HeaHea City for the biggest exposition dump of the game.  In Sun it was interesting and I enjoyed reading it.  In Moon it dragged on a bit but I was still engaged enough to be reminded of everything that had happened so far.  In Ultra Sun I spammed the A button until I stopped seeing text screens and was allowed to leave the building.  There was nothing different to the other two games and it seemed never ending.


  1. Olivia’s “Grand” Trial

    Olivia Trial
    Kahuna Olivia

Imagine this, you’re the top of the leader board in your home town.  Everyone who comes there to win a challenge has to go through you to proceed on their journey.  What do you bring with you to have in your team? If you said a Lilleep, an Anorith and a Lycanroc get out. Lycanroc, fair enough, it’s a good showcase Pokémon for the 7th Generation… But Lilleep and Anorith? Really? In a Grand Trial? Talk about a disappointment. I JUST defeated a hard-as-nails Lurantis and now I have to take on a Lilleep and an Anorith. That’s progressive.




So on that rather disappointing note Akala is mostly exactly the same in both tellings of the Alolan story.  There are a few new differences but nothing big enough or different enough for me to justify saying that it felt like I was playing an intentionally different game.


By the time I defeated Totem Lurantis and knew I then had to go to HeaHea City and sit through a load of exposition for the rest of the Island I kind of game up on the game for a couple of weeks.  If I played it, it was only for a few minutes and then had to stop again.  I knew I had to get through it to proceed with the game for this review but I wasn’t looking forward to it whatsoever.  I eventually forced myself to sit through it and meekly trailed off to the Aether paradise to sit through that mountain of exposition which was exactly the same as Sun & Moon’s mountain, even down to setting Lusamine up as the villain and battling Nihilego before meekly being dragged along to Ula’Ula Island.


I include to visit to the Aether Paradise here because there would be no point whatsoever in making a review part for that and that alone so there it is.

My team by the end of the Aether Foundation visit

Pokémon Ultra Sun – Part 2: Akala Island gets another 4/10.


Until next time when we take on Ula’Ula Island,

The Spectacled Observer.

My Top 5 Normal Type Pokémon

Normal Type
Image credit:


Happy New Year to all! What? I’m a week late? Oh… Well… I have no excuse.  ANYWAY! It’s January and the holidays are over.  Everything is back to Normal again and with a new month it’s time I take a look at a new type.  With that in mind, shall we take a look at my top 5 Normal type Pokémon (From Gens 1-7)?


  1. PORYGON-Z5. Porygon-Z

You know those Pokémon you always wanted but could never have? That was Porygon in Red/Blue/Yellow for me.  I was terrible at the slots game and so I never had the patience to grind up to achieving enough coins to acquire a Porygon.  I suppose that’s why I’m not a fan of Dratini’s evolutionary line.  Anyway, time went on and eventually I got my hands on Pokémon Platinum and my passport to a Porygon became easy.  I quickly set to work evolving it to Porygon2 and then on to Porygon-Z and it was simply divine.  For the longest time I never thought I’d get a chance to use Porygon, but then it made up for those years lost out and then some.  I still remember how achieved I felt when I finally got a Porygon-Z and I remember using it vividly whilst ignoring the planes in the sky above during the 2009 Sunderland Air Show.


  1. MINCCINO4. Minccino

Gen V was an interesting one, wasn’t it? For the first time since Gen I you could only use the regional Pokémon through the main story of the game.  I knew this going in to my copy of Pokémon Black and there were only two things I really wanted on my team – A Galvantula, Lilligant, and a Minccino. Blame my desire for a Minccino entirely on how irresistibly cute it is. It was probably one of the weaker members of my team but I didn’t care, it was cute and I liked it, which is all you really need in a Pokémon game – to like the ones you’re using. When the time came I decided to evolve it, though I find Cinccino less cute, because of the evident difficulty spike in the latter half of the game and because the poor thing was starting to faint in every battle.  Still, it’s one of the cuter designs, I think.


  1. TAUROS3. Tauros

Remember back in the late 1990s when this thing was an utter monster in the anime? It still is, in the game.  When I finish a main series Pokémon game I tend to create a new team for the post-game quests.  In my Pokémon Y game, this post-game team consisted of Roserade, Gardevoir, Huntail, Noivern, Rotom and Tauros.  A badass team and each of them were excellent in their own right.  I have great memories of conquering the Battle Laison with this team and I owe a lot of those victories to the sheer bull-like strength of Tauros.


  1. FURRET2. Furret

For the longest time Furret was my favourite Pokémon, bar none.  It was cute and because I never really had much of a chance to play a Gen II game it was somewhat of an enigma.  When the time came for Pokémon Platinum to be played I set out to put a Furret on my main team for the game and, admittedly, it was rather weak, but it made for an excellent meat shield.  Why number 2 on this list? Nostalgia, probably, and lingering loyalty to the younger me who would be disappointed that Furret isn’t #1 on this list.  I recall designing a version of Furret for each of the then 17 types, the Pre-Alola Alolan forms of Furret, so to speak. What can I say? It’s still really cute though, isn’t it?


  1. AIPOM1. Aipom

Like Furret before it, Aipom is now probably my favourite Pokémon.  It’s cheeky, charismatic and has a very clever and unique design.  I often see posts on social media asking if you could have just one Pokémon be real I see people commenting Charizard or Mewtwo or other more popular Pokémon that’d probably kill us all or be incredibly hard to control and I just simply type in the word “Aipom”.

Thing is though, I never used to like Aipom.  I had a real problem with monkey-like things because in every Calendar the month of June was always represented by a monkey, and I was born in the Year of the Monkey so they always seemed to be following me everywhere and I grew to resent the idea of monkeys for that reason.  That was a long time ago though and I recall enjoying seeing the Aipom in Pokémon The Movie 3: Spell of the Unown interect with the other Pokémon and trainers.  From that point on my liking for Aipom slowly grew without me even knowing.

When Gen IV came along I tried it and evolved it into an Ambipom.  My love for it slumped a bit after that.  It took until 2017 with the release of Gold & Silver on the virtual console to make me want to give it a chance again, from its own time before it was burdened with a very underwhelming evolution.  It’s the main player in my Silver team now and I love it.  It’s so over levelled because I never use anything else. Aipom and I have had a rocky start but now we’re best friends and I only wish Ambipom didn’t exist to weigh down this amazingly simple yet greatly enjoyable little primate.



So Normal type is done.  Wonder what will come next.  Who knows? Well, I know but you can’t read my mind, can you? 😉 Anyway, what do you think of my list? Were there any surprises in there? Do you share any of them with me? I’d love to hear your thoughts.  But until next time I bid you all a good day!


Spectacled Observer. 🙂

My Cinema Trips of 2017

Hello and welcome to 2018! Hope you had a fun week doing whatever it is you’ve been doing but it’s back to the usual routine now, I suppose.  Don’t be sad, it’ll be Christmas again in 356 days.


2017 was an interesting year for film, so I was wondering, if I could sum up my thoughts on each film I’d seen in the cinema that year, it might do for a blog entry, don’t you think?


I’ll go in chronological order of when I saw them and I may as well date it too, ey? So, let’s get started!


  1. A Monster Calls – 7th JanuaryMonster Calls

A deep exploration of a young boy’s mind in turmoil.  It was interesting to see the way the story panned out over the duration of the film and the acting from every one involved was simply top notch.  Even if it did lose itself a bit in its own narrative toward the end

Rating then: 9/10

Rating now: 8/10


  1. The Lego Batman Movie – 18th FebruaryLego Batman

Fun, Lego action with everyone’s favourite overrated mental patient, Batman.  A good story in its own right, as its own thing and still gets quite a few laughs out of me but I feel the very climax of the film was a bit of a let down.  Hold hands to stop Gotham tearing in half? Really? It’s fine, it’s fine! It’s a kid’s film after all and there is a level of suspension of disbelief to take into consideration.

Rating then: 10/10

Rating now: 8/10


  1. Logan – 2nd MarchLogan

Hugh Jackman’s swansong (Maybe) Wolverine escapade.  A dark, gritty and realistic portrayal of the final days of the mutants.  Logan is one of those films that people will be talking about for a long time – and it earned that recognition.  Some say it’s bad, some say it’s a masterpiece.  I’m in the middle.  It’s a really well made film, but it was too drastic a change from the X-Men franchise.  Personal opinion, don’t torture me.  Seeing the Charles Xavier in the silo  having gone mad at the start hurt my childhood though.

Rating then: 9/10

Rating now: 7/10


  1. The Great Wall – 7th MarchGreat Wall

One of those whitewashed films that was doomed to fail.  It was alright I guess.  Nothing to write home about, but fun enough to watch if you just want to switch off for a couple of hours and watch some urban historic fantasy.

Rating then: 6/10

Rating now: 6/10


  1. Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 – 29th AprilGotGVol2.jpeg

The Guardians of the Galaxy return in my most anticipated sequel of the year, and proved to be ever so slightly disappointing.  It was great and I loved it, but the first one is still my preferred venture.  I think splitting the team up for so long is to blame for my preference of the first, but I enjoyed the two intertwining stories told throughout and Ego is by far easily one of the best villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far.  Can’t wait for Infinity War though.

Rating then: 8/10

Rating now: 8/10


  1. Wonder Woman – 11th JuneWonder Woman

With the advent of the Justice League monstricity, Wonder Woman stands as a beaming light of what a DC film could be.  By no means the best film of the year but definitely earned a spot in the top 5 of a lot of fans’ lists.  The trench scene alone perfectly captures Wonder Woman and showed an audience how little modern superhero films focus on actually actively going out of the way to save people.

Rating then: 9/10

Rating now: 8/10


  1. Spider-Man: Homecoming – 8th July & 11th JulyDer-Man Coming

Saw this film twice, actually.  Easily the nest of the three MCU films to be released in 2017 as it once again focused on the littler stories.  No world-ending disaster plot or subjugation for all mankind. First time I went to see it the cinema ticket cut of “Spi” and “Home” so on the ticket it looked like I was going to see Der-Man Coming.  It has been referred to by that name ever since.

Rating then: 8/10

Rating now: 8/10


  1. Kingsman: The Golden Circle – 23rd SeptemberKingsman The Golden Circle

Elton John.  Enough said.  What a great adventure from start to finish.  It was funny, sad and engaging all at the same time.  Though the start was a little too trigger happy with established characters in order to shoehorn in the American version. Elton John though.

Rating then: 8/10

Rating now: Not out on DVD yet so would be unfair to judge *Sad face*


  1. Thor: Ragnarok – 28th OctoberThor 3

The weakest of the three MCU films this year, for me.  It was great fun and I enjoyed every minute of it… But as a trilogy the tone and pacing of this one doesn’t match Thor or Thor: The Dark World in any way whatsoever.  I get it was trying to be its own thing but at the expense of everything to happen prior to Ragnarok?

Rating then: 8/10

Rating now: *Patiently awaits DVD release whilst listening to Led Zeppelin*


  1. Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You – 6th November960x410_6d8f911ad2cb6d711a82baca19683f1e

Pure untainted nostalgia and a treat for the soul.  After 14 years of not being in the cinema Ash & Pikachu exploded back onto the silver screen in marvellous fashion.  I already did a review of this film which I’ll attempt to link in here but yeah, I really loved this one.

Rating then: 7/10

Rating now: I keep checking Amazon every week for a DVD release date but it never has one. This makes me sad.


  1. Justice League – 19th Novemberimg01

From sheer nostalgic beauty to tainted nostalgic dread. This is another film I reviewed at the time of release but I will never stop hating this filth.  As a film, it was stupid, as a comic book story, it was badly done, as a superhero film it was insulting and there are no redeeming qualities in this thing whatsoever.  Avoid at all costs.  Linking the review in if possible here.

Rating then: 2/10

Rating now: Negative 2/10.  Not wasting any more time or money on it.


  1. The Disaster Artist – 9th DecemberDisaster Artist

Oh hi Mark.  An interesting look into the filming process of one of cinemas greatest duds – The Room.  It was light and entertaining, silly and serious, and had the ever loveable Tommy Wiseau in the end credits.  It makes me so happy, and I love Lisa so much.

Rating then: 8/10

Rating now: It’s bullshit, I don’t have it yet. It’s bullshit.  It is not! Oh hi Mark.


  1. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle – 9th DecemberJumanji

So what happens if you put Jack Black, Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan and Kevin Hart in a game of Jumanji? A lot of controversy and needless hate.  I liked this film.  It wasn’t perfect but give me it over a lot of other films *Cough*JusticeLeague*Cough* any day.  While not every joke hit the mark it got a few laughs out of myself and the people I was seeing it with (One a die-hard cynic of the thing) and all in all it was a bit of harmless fun.

Rating then: 7/10

Rating now: You know the drill by this point.


  1. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi – 16th DecemberLast Jedi Poster

Following on from the Force Awakens a lot was expected to be revealed in this installment of the Star Wars saga.  In the end not a lot was actually revealed and the film suffered from existing in the Star Wars universe.  Had it been its own one-off film, yeah, it could have worked, but as Episode VIII of a 9-part saga… It left a lot to be desired.  It wasn’t all bad though.  Mark Hamill gave the performance of his career and it was interesting to see Rey & Kylo Ren’s relationship grow throughout the film.

Rating then: 8/10

Rating now: Blu-Ray.  Surprise! Nah, I’ll be getting the DVD… Whenever that comes out.


Caught up in the now.  It’s interesting looking back at the films you saw over the space of a year.  Almost all of them [NOT YOU JUSTICE LEAGUE] were good and I don’t regret seeing any of them.  Barring the black sheep of the universe. There were of course some films I had wanted to see but never had the opportunity for one reason or another – Murder on the Orient Express, Blade Runner 2049, It, War for the Planet of the Apes  etc but nothing to be done about that now.


As for 2018 there are a few films I’m looking forward to seeing.  Avengers: Infinity War, The Incredibles 2, Black Panther to name a few but others I’m slightly dubious about… Looking at you Solo: A Star Wars Story.   I suppose there’s one way to find out though, ey?


Thank you for following my posts in 2017, next year will continue on as usual, posting on Wednesdays with reviews, look-backs, top 10s or whatever takes my fancy during the week. Should probably get around to finishing my reviews of the David Tennant Doctor Who Big Finish audio stories though.


Hoping you had a Qwark-tastic new year and are settling into the first year with an 8 in it since 2008.


Spectacled Observer. 🙂

Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You! Review


Part One – Introduction

Ash meeting Pikachu for the first time.

As you’re probably aware by now, I’m a big fan of the Pokémon franchise and have been for a large majority of my life.  I have fond memories of my childhood playing the games, watching the anime, and as a special treat, once a year going to the cinema to see the newest Pokémon film!

So, now a 25 year old adult, when the 20th Pokémon film was revealed to be having special screenings in my local cinema, I knew what had to be done.  I made contact with my usual cinema-going friends and other fans of the franchise to find out if they wished to join me in seeing it but due to work and other boring commitments, all but one was unable to go.

Cut ahead to the 6th November 2017 and the day had arrived.  My friend, Gavin,  and I headed to Newcastle for the 4:30pm screening of Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You.  Gavin’s motivation for going to see the film was similar to mine, but unlike me he had fallen out of favour with the series during the beginnings of the 3rd generation (Ruby & Sapphire) and had not ventured very deeply into the franchise in over 10 years, so the nostalgia was a big part of his wanting to see it.

We took our seats in the surprisingly full screening and (as a sidenote, I overheard a tid-bit of a conversation going on in the row behind us about rumours of an Alolan Oddish debuting in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon – Watch this space) were soon greeted by trailers for Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.  Seeing those on the big screen was enough to get me even more hyped for the film than I already was and then, quite suddenly, we were faced with a Pidgeot soaring through a valley and the adventure began.

I’ll try and keep this review spoiler free, sorry in advance if anything slips under the radar, though.


Part Two – Animation & Music

Ash & Pikachu look over the mountainous landscape of Kanto.

From the very first shot of the Pidgeot soaring through the valley and opening up onto the coliseum I knew we were in for a treat with the quality of the animation.  The Pokémon films always seem to be that little bit extra effort into making the films the best animation quality they can get at the time and this one really showed that off. The movements of the characters and the lighting effects were perfect throughout the entire film and the background, scenery and… “Vibe” of the Pokémon world were perfectly realised.

The stellar animation was only complimented by the music, which I feel was one of the stronger parts of the film.  The soundtrack alone stirred feelings of happiness and sadness at the perfect times and stirred into the happenings on screen so perfectly you were barely aware of it some of the times but you felt its effects all the same.

There’s a small melody throughout the film that I really liked, it had the chimes tingling through it and it played in the calmer moments of the film.  If anything, that’s the tiny but of music that’ll stick with me the most but it’s hard to describe from memory.  I’m looking through YouTube for it as I write this but having no such luck. May have been and English dub addition.  I’m sure I’ll find out in time.

Of course, I have to acknowledge the re-mastering of the original Pokémon theme song from the anime.  It was perfect, seeing Ash going through his early travels with Pikachu with the instant classic blasting throughout really drove home the nostalgic feelings in both myself and Gavin.  Is it better than the original? Nostalgia says “Of course not” but a more level headed opinion may give it some serious consideration.  Which am I? I’m on the fence.  I’d have to listen to it again to be sure but I’ve never been the most nostalgic person… For the most part.


Part Three – Story & Pacing

The story, while entertaining, was not perfect.  In recent years the Pokémon film stories have been very lack-luster, slightly forced or just plain boring (ie. Hoopa & the Clash of Ages, Zoroark: Master of Illusions & Kyurem & the Swords of Justice) so to have a pretty decent story in a Pokémon film was actually much more of a breath of fresh air than I anticipated.

Ash & Pikachu find the Rainbow Wing after seeing Ho-Oh at the start of their journey.

The thing I enjoyed the most of the story of this film was that it was simple.  There were no doomsday plots, or magic floating castles that ran on ancient gear-based Pokémon, or some madman trying to capture God for the badly conceived lols.  It was just Ash, Pikachu, Verity & Sorrel out looking for Ho-Oh after Ash was gifted the Rainbow Wing at the beginning of his journey.  Catching glimpses of Entei, Suicune & Raikou through their travels as the legendary beasts seem to be keeping an eye on Ash and the others to report their progress back to Ho-Oh.  Of course, there are other elements to the film than a simple search quest.  Cross, a trainer who believes the best way to train Pokémon is to be a drill sergeant and not a friend is out to find Ho-Oh, battle it, and prove he is the strongest trainer of all.

However, a legend says that should the Rainbow Wing be touched by the “Heart of Evil” it shall lose its colour and fail to summon Ho-Oh, enter Marshadow – the Generation 7 Ghost/Fighting Mythical Pokémon debuting in this film.

I praised the story for its simplicity, but it is also its weakness.  The motivations of the characters were a tad weak, I thought.  There’s nothing driving them forward other than the off chance they might possible have a slight chance of battling Ho-Oh at the end of it all.

As for the pacing, it is a tad rushed at the start, but I understand why.  It wants to get Ash up, out of bed and Pikachu on the clothes line getting dragged out of Pallet Town ASAP but there’s not a lot of breathing space for the first 5 minutes of so of the film.  That changes once Pikachu electrocutes the Spearow and he and Ash start to become friends.  The time lapse with the aforementioned re-mastered original theme song playing over it shows their friendship growing as time passes and then the pacing evens out considerably as it moves on from recreating the first episode of the anime into telling its own story.


Toward the end of the story there is an obvious call back to Mewtwo Strikes Back involving Ash & Pikachu.  It wasn’t really necessary and it didn’t really make as much sense as it did in the original film but it was a heartfelt moment nonetheless, though I totally and fully understand those people who disliked that particular moment of the film because it was admittedly a tad tacked on.  Anyone who has seen this film will know what I’m talking about, especially if they’ve also seen Mewtwo Strikes Back.

The pacing keeps a steady track of itself throughout the remainder of the film and no moment feels like it’s trying to fill in a runtime quota.  Even the calmer moments where Ash, Pikachu, Verity and Sorrel are travelling throughout Kanto manage to have relevance to the plot as they take those moments to develop the characters and enrich this new take on the Pokémon world.  Enrichment that really, really paid off.


Part Four – The Human Characters

Ash was, well, Ash.  Not much more to say.  Hot headed and eager to go on an amazing adventure, but with a good enough of a heart to make him likeable.  His arc in this story was one I did not see coming whatsoever and one I wish the anime had included a bit more of.  It’s no spoiler to say Ash wanted a Squirtle for a starter, failing that a Bulbasaur or a Charmander and Pikachu was a Pokémon he never even considered.  In the later half of the film when Ash is under the influence of the Heart of Evil he makes reference to this and almost destroys the friendship he and Pikachu had built up throughout the entire film, but their bond wins through and Pikachu saves him from the darkness of the real world. That isn’t a metaphor.

Sorrel & Verity

Verity and Sorrel’s stories were pretty simple but they did the job well enough.  Sorrel wanted to study legendary Pokémon and joined Ash & Verity to get a good look at Ho-Oh.  Raikou, Entei & Suicune were just icing on the cake.  Verity’s story was a tad more interesting as she had escaped from her home in Twin-Leaf Town, Sinnoh, to get away from a negligent mother.  In the end her seeing the bond of friendship and love between Ash & Pikachu inspires her to return home and work on her and her mother’s relationship.  Simple, but effective.

Team Rocket on the hunt for Entei

As for Team Rocket, well, they didn’t get built up to be much of a threat at all BUT I’m fine with that as they added some great comic relief which never felt forced or out of place. Jessie, James & Meowth got up to their usual antics but instead of going for Pikachu their focus was on Entei until they caught wind of Ash & co seeking out Ho-Oh & as a result shift their kidnapping schemes to the legendary phoenix. To disastrous, but amusing,  effect.


Part Five – The Pokémon & Acknowledging Death

Butterfree leaving Ash & Pikachu behind to live a new life.

One of the things I knew was going to happen when I ordered the tickets to see this film was that I’d be seeing a recreation of the scene Ash has to say goodbye to Butterfree.  I knew it was coming, but that did not stop the tears.  Gavin had been crying through a majority of the film at that point but it was the “Bye Bye, Butterfree!” scene that pushed me over the edge.  The Pokémon were handled really well in this film.  Ash was reduced to having only Pikachu, the Charmander line & the Caterpie line throughout the film as to not make it overcrowded, as much as I’d have loved to see the Squirtle Squad, I understand why they weren’t included.pm2

Pikachu was undoubtedly at its cutest in this film, Caterpie was as eager as its anime counterpart to fly in the skies and when it finally did so, the goodbye scene was emotional and fantastically made all round and Charmander’s story got some improvements which effectively made it feel more genuine.


On the topic of Ash’s Charmeleon & Charizard obeying him as I know that’ll get fans riled up and throw hissy fits because it didn’t follow the anime to the letter.  My opinion is this – So what? It’s a retelling, not a remake.  Ash’s Charmander evolved in the anime he was at a point of skill where the resulting Charmeleon didn’t respect him and later Charizard only grew to do so after Ash proved he was capable of greater things.  It always niggled me in the anime that the cute little Charmasnder Ash saved from certain death would grow to resent him for so long, so to have their bond actually grow with the evolution made more sense to me.  Also, from a storytelling point of view should Charizard have shown no respect for Ash throughout the film it would have made the narrative very jarring and made the entire Charmander sub-plot pointless.

Lapras transporting Ash & co to Ho-Oh


Verity’s Piplup & Lapras were great additions to the film also.  It was great seeing newer generations of Pokémon taking up larger roles in a film set when there were only 150 known Pokémon so Piplup, and Sorrel’s Lucario, were very welcomed – Gen IV remake hints anyone?

In regards to Sorrel’s Pokémon though, I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge that we, as an audience, had definitive confirmation that a Pokémon can die of hypothermia. Sorrel’s Luxray succumbed to the cold after keeping him warm in a blizzard all night and we actually got to see the corpse.  For a kids film that’s pretty ballsy and I applaud them for not cutting it out of the dub.

Image found here:

It’s always great to see Raikou, Entei & Suicune in the films too.  They tend to get overlooked in recent generations so it was nice for them to make appearances, especially in a film focused on Ho-Oh – even if Raikou’s inclusion was very little more than a glorified cameo. #JusticeForRaikou


Part Six – Fan Nostalgia

As a long time fan of the franchise having gotten into it during “PokéMania” in the late 90s/early 2000s I noticed a lot of very small references throughout the film.  Like how in the coliseum at the beginning the trainers battling were the trainers that made it to Mewtwo’s Island in Pokémon The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back.

Or, indeed, that the film seemed to be trying to have an appearance, however brief, of all of the original 149 Pokémon throughout the film.  From the inclusion of a Paras watching Ash & Pikachu train in the woods to a Voltorb impersonating a PokéBall in the end credits. That was a fun little thing to look out for throughout scenes with crowds in them.  The only ones I didn’t spot were the Dragonite line but I could have missed those before I realised what was happening.

I mentioned before, the recreation of the original theme song played a big part in the nostalgia of the film and was what set Gavin off on the nostalgic bender that we both embraced for the entire film.

The showing of affection that began it all.

One thing that I did pick up and thought “Hold on, that’s not right” in the film was near the beginning when Ash was battling Erika, the Celadon City grass type gym leader.  Once she was defeated (A feat anime Ash failed to accomplish) he commented that this would be his 3rd badge.  Hold on, wait a minute, 3rd badge? Third? Not sure if this was a dubbing error but a Google search will tell you Erika is the 4th gym leader in the Kanto region. Nit-pick, but a valid one.

As I said previously, I’m not the most nostalgic person for the Pokémon franchise because I never got out of it long enough for it to become nostalgic but there were a lot of moments which cranked it up to 11 in the nostalgia department, even for me.  Ash saying goodbye to Butterfree, finding and saving Charmander, even Ash & Pikachu meeting for the first time.  The stories I grew up with and cherished as a child


Part Seven – Future Hopes

My cinema ticket

Another thing I praise in this film is the lack of sequel bait.  With so many modern films (Avengers: Age of Ultron, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) foreshadowing to events of future films is jarringly forced into the narrative, disregarding any kind of pacing and themes they had going in the film so far at that point.  So it was refreshing to see an open and closed story.

That being said, though, I’d love for the creators to follow this reimagining in future films.  I want to see how this Ash & Pikachu continue to grow in their travels.  Imagine seeing a alternate take on the Team Rocket/Mewtwo story? Or the strange new things that could evolve from the knowledge of 7+ generations worth of myths, legends & Pokémon.  It could really be a recipe for a unique take on the universe.


Part Eight – Conclusion & Rating

As you can probably tell, I like this film.  I like it a lot.  It made me laugh, it made me smile with sheer giddy joy at some points and at others it made me cry, seeing things that made me cry as a child 20 years ago.  It was a powerfully nostalgic experience and it had just the right amount of mix between new things and old things which really made it that much more special to me, as a seasoned fan of the franchise.

The franchise has a very dear place in my heart, I’ve come to meet new people because of it, made friendships that endear even to this day through our mutual love of those pocket monsters. I’ve had arguments about it, I continue to get as excited as I did 20 years ago when new information about new games is announced and I always go out of my way to see the newest Pokémon film in some way or another, even if I know it’s going to be a bad film… *Sigh* Hoopa… Why?

With this now behind me, my excitement for Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon has gone into the overdrive and in 9 days time, I’m going to journey back to Alola and take on Rainbow Rocket like it’s no one’s business. Who knows? I may take a certain cap-wearing Pikachu along for the ride.


Perfect for a long or short term Pokémon fan wanting to relive the glory days but not without its problems.

Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You! gets my final rating of 9.5/10.  Nothing’s perfect, but this was damn close.


This is a very nostalgic Spectacled Observer signing out.